Doctor of War: Genesis – Doctor Who audio boxset review

Big Finish play with the War Doctor concept in their Unbound range… but have they the right?  The multiverse is all the rage these days thanks to Marvel’s high-profile What If? concept. Of course, alternate dimensions and altered chronologies are nothing new for Doctor Who, from 1970’s ‘Inferno’ to the mixed up Earth of ‘The … >

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Covers revealed for new Doctor Who Target Books novelisations

Two more New Series Target books and new versions of two classic Tom Baker Doctor Who stories.   Before VHS, DVDs and streaming, novelisations were the only way for fans to experience Doctor Who stories they had not seen broadcast live. Many encountered the earliest Doctors in prose, years before they saw them onscreen. While the … >

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Neil Patrick Harris announced as Doctor Who guest star

Neil Patrick Harris, Emmy and Tony-winning American comedian and star of stage and screen, has joined the cast of Doctor Who and is currently filming scenes set to air in 2023 as part of the show’s 60th anniversary. Harris first became famous playing a teenage doctor in the American television programme Doogie Howser, MD. He … >

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Doctor Who night shoot in Cardiff with two new monsters

A Doctor Who film crew from production company Bad Wolf Ltd filmed David Tennant, Catherine Tate and Yasmin Finney for the second of five night shoots on Axminster Road in Cardiff on 6 June. SPOILERS FOLLOW The film crew moved UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce) vehicles and a taxi into position. #doctorwho #dwsr — sylvia … >

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Out of Time 3 – Wink: Doctor Who audio review

The Tenth and Sixth Doctors collide for a high-concept, time twisting face-off with the Weeping Angels.  ‘Wink’ is the latest in the Out of Time series of doctorly collisions. The range sees David Tennant’s version of the Time Lord meeting his former selves and facing a few famous foes. The title, of course, nods to … >

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The Robots 5 Big Finish cover cropped

The Robots 5 audio drama review — three more engaging stories

Further adventures in Kaldor City as Big Finish continues to explore contemporary themes in three more engaging stories It’s been eleven months since The Robots 4, which we felt was essential listening for connoisseurs — does this opinion still hold true? First a quick reminder of the bigger picture… The story so far As we noted previously, this … >

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Ninth Doctor Into The Stars

Big Finish – The Ninth Doctor will meet the Sontarans on audio

Christopher Eccleston heads Into The Stars for three new Doctor Who audio adventures.  As the Ninth Doctor enjoys the Big Finish treatment, he’s getting the chance to meet a few old friends and foes. This incarnation saw plenty of Dalek action onscreen, but missed tussling with some of the show’s other major monsters. Now, with … >

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