Russell T Davies to resume writing Production Notes column

In Doctor Who Magazine 578, Russell T Davies promised readers of the magazine that he would resume writing the Production Notes column. His stated plan is to resume the Production Notes column “later this year” but in a article he wrote in the Gallifrey Guardian section of the magazine, he described his grand plan for … >

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Doctor Who filming in Camden: sky invasion, sonic screwdriver and vending machines

A Doctor Who film crew from production company Bad Wolf Ltd filmed Catherine Tate, David Tennant and Yasmin Finney for a night shoot at Camden Market, London on 18 May. Poster props were prepared for the scene. @DoctorWhoPN Posters are back — Patrick Ribeiro-Kavanagh (@KavanaghRibeiro) May 18, 2022 Rachel Talalay arrived to direct. And … >

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Yasmin Finney

Yasmin Finney joins Doctor Who cast

Heartstopper actress Yasmin Finney has joined the cast of Doctor Who playing a character named Rose. 18-year-old Finney received rave reviews across the globe for her captivating performance as Elle Argent in Heartstopper. “If anyone would have told 8 year old Yasmin that one day she’d be part of this iconic show, I would have … >

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Catherine Tate and David Tennant Doctor Who 60th

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary – Tennant and Tate are returning

Ahead of filming, the BBC have announced David Tennant and Catherine Tate’s participation in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations.  It’s only been a week since we learned that Ncuti Gatwa will be the next Doctor. Now, the BBC have followed the news with the announcement that two of the show’s former stars are returning; … >

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