Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: first teaser trailer released

The long-awaited Downton Abbey was filmed this past autumn and we’ve already got our first look at a trailer.. The trailer doesn’t give too much away but everything’s something more fancy than it was on the original series, with a brand new rendition of the show’s iconic theme playing. There’s even a list of all the characters … >

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Titans: finale trailer pits Robin against Batman

The season finale trailer for Titans is pitting Brenton Thwaites’ Dick Grayson (aka Robin) against his former guardian, Batman. This action-packed episode will wrap up the first run of this teen-stuffed series, which airs in America on the new DC Universe streaming service.

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Doctor Who, Resolution: Ryan Sinclair and his father

There are several clues that Ryan Sinclair, played by Tosin Cole, will be reunited with his father in the the Doctor Who New Year’s special, Resolution. Ryan’s father Aaron is likely played by Daniel Adegboyega in the special. A character with the last name Sinclair was discovered on Adegboyega’s CV. Ryan’s father failed to attend … >

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Narcos: Mexico season 2 is in production already

Just last week, Netflix officially announced a second season of Narcos: Mexico (or a fifth season of Narcos overall, if you want to look at it that way). The streaming service is pressing ahead at an impressive pace, with work already being underway on this new season.

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Doctor Who, Resolution: director calls special a “popcorn” “blockbuster”

The director of the Doctor Who New Year’s special, Wayne Yip told Doctor Who Magazine that the the special, titled Resolution, will be a “blockbuster”. “I hope that new fans have a great time because it’s such a popcorn, blockbuster version of Doctor Who.” And, according to the magazine, “an ambitious opening sequence sets the tone … >

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Doctor Who, Resolution: the story behind the rainbow scarf

The inspiration for the rainbow scarf Jodie Whittaker wears in the Doctor Who New Year’s special, Resolution came from the series’ make-up designer Claire Pritchard-Jones and her husband, production designer Arwel Wyn Jones. Showrunner Chris Chibnall explains in Doctor Who Magazine. “Claire bought Arwel a scarf for Christmas. He wore it around the production. Ray … >

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