Doctor Who Series 12: Episode 4 synopsis released

Digiguide has released the official synopsis for the the yet unnamed Episode 4 of Doctor Who Series 12: It is 1903 and on the edge of Niagara Falls, something is wrong at Nikola Tesla’s generator plant, where someone – or something – is sabotaging the maverick inventor’s work. Has Tesla really received a message from … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: Episode 8 writer is Maxine Alderton

In an interview with the CTV Television Network, Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall revealed that Maxine Alderton wrote Episode 8 of Series 12. “…Maxine Alderton, who’s written Episode 8, was very passionate about…something I will not tell you about [laughs]. I can’t tell you what the subject matter is. Anyway, watch Episode 8. It’s amazing, … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: new TARDIS images emerge

There are some changes to the TARDIS interior which are evident in some new photos which were recently released. There are brand new stairs which lead to other parts of the TARDIS. The equipment pictured below will do something very cool with real effects which fans will be able to see at some point during … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: Pandora’s box will be opened

In a brief interview with the Metro when asked  to describe Doctor Who Series 12, Jodie Whittaker teased, “Pandora’s box will be opened.” Pandora is the woman from Greek mythology who, letting her curiosity get the better of her, unknowingly opened a container housing evils, which were then loosed upon the world. There are possibly … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: new Spyfall clip

A new clip from the Doctor Who Series 12 opening episode Spyfall was released. It shows an MI6 agent played by Sacharissa Claxton on a hospital bed with Stephen Fry’s character describing to the Doctor, and her companions Graham, Yaz and Ryan what happened to her. “She was found unconscious on the floor of an … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: Spyfall synopsis revealed

Digiguide has released a brief synopsis of the first part of the opening episode of Doctor Who Series 12, Spyfall. “The time traveller returns for a fresh set of adventures. When intelligence agents around the world come under attack from alien forces, MI6 turns to the only people who can help – a certain Doctor … >

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Doctor Who Series 12: new details from Chris Chibnall

In an interview published TV & Satellite Week magazine, showrunner Chris Chibnall gave a few more details for what we can expect from Doctor Who Series 12. “We’re going deep into the Doctor Who world, to seek out the delights and hidden corners it contains. We’ll also be going deeper into characters from last year … >

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